What’s the Goal?
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The goal of Christian practice (and Buddhist practice) is authentic personal transformation: what Thomas Merton calls the recovery of the lost or true self. It is process, not destination. It is the journey toward God. It is ongoing. It is frustratingly slow. It never ends. How do we do it? We do it by praying. We do it by changing those actions that separate us from God’s will. And we do it by listening – listening in silence. Silence says a lot. We need to be silent to hear the questions we do not have thoughts or words for asking. And what I expect or hope to hear is probably not what God will have to say. Indeed, all I may receive for a while is what theologian Karl Rahner calls “the grace to continue waiting in prayer.” The answers come in God’s time, not mine. When I am truly ready to hear them, not before. So, I follow and trust. And then, when the answer comes, just say “yes.” I may not always be certain what I am specifically saying yes to, but it is enough to just say yes. More will be revealed!
Let us pray: Dear God, help us to sit in silence, and be still, aware. For there, in our own hearts, your Spirit is at prayer, Help us to listen and learn, open and find the heart wisdom that only you can give. Amen.

Daily Message Author: Bob Griffiths
Bob is the former Chaplain at the Pines of Sarasota, southwest Florida’s oldest and largest not-for-profit senior care facility. Prior to joining the staff in 2010, Bob worked in hospice chaplaincy for seven years. He is the past Spiritual Life Director at St. Boniface Episcopal Church, Sarasota and is an Associate of the Order of the Holy Cross, an Episcopal Benedictine religious order.