The Gift of Memory
Yesterday we reflected on the gift of our memories. When we look back, often even troubled times can often be seen in a new light. With the gift of a little time, we are often able to gain a new perspective on the past. Perhaps we can see it through the lens of humor, and laugh about it, or draw meaning from it in ways we could never have done when we were too close to it.
I think about those teenage years that were so hard. And often looking back now I can see, well, maybe I needed something to push against. And in that pushing, there was a growth that happened and an opening of the world in new ways. (Of course, my parents may not look back at it so fondly!)
And yes, of course, there are some things we’d rather forget. Things that happened to us. Or things we said or did. Or failed to say… or do. We’ve probably all had our share of those. While the memories can be painful, they can remind us of our intentions to live better. Or more importantly, they can be reminders of how God has brought us through in the past. And that gives us hope for the future…
I think about one of my friends, who is a carpenter. Years ago he fell off a roof while on a job, and he broke both of his ankles. Like many in that profession who are self-employed – he had no health insurance. There was no workman’s comp. And he wasn’t able to work for almost a year. And he lost his house – couldn’t keep up with the mortgage. He felt like Job because not long after that, his marriage dissolved. His wife left him. I was talking to him about this fairly recently and he said, you know a lot of that is just a blur to me now. I don’t remember a lot of it… But I do know, and I never forget it, if God can carry me through that, God can carry me through anything.
As I mentioned yesterday, it is true that a lot of the experiences that we have in the world are torn, broken, and hard. But when we visit those places with compassion and with eyes of faith, we begin the process of healing and growth. Look how God carried me through… Look what God did… Look at the grace, the strength I was given…
Today, as you look back over your life, I pray that God would give you eyes to see his hand at work throughout the entire journey. May you remember the grace and the blessings all along the way.
Let us pray. We remember today, O God, how you have carried us through in the past. We remember the love and grace we’ve experienced over the years with friends and loved ones. Grant us the ability to look back with compassion even as we look forward in hope; through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Daily Message Author: Joe Albright
Joe began his ministry in Sarasota, Florida as an associate pastor, and it was in this capacity that he worked alongside the Reverend Dr. Roger Kunkel. Roger was a colleague who became a mentor and treasured friend. From Sarasota, Joe was called to Jacksonville, Florida where he served as the Head of Staff at Hodges Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Currently, Joe and his family worship and serve at Geneva Presbyterian Church in Switzerland, Florida. Full Bio