The Blessin’ Business
Today’s message was written by Guest Pastor, Chaplin Bob Griffiths.
I never know when and how God is going to bless me. Forget the big stuff (blinding lights, thunderclaps, etc.) because, like Elijah experienced, God most often comes as a “still, small voice” – and that voice often is another of God’s children (that would be any one of you).
A few years ago, one of the women I was ministering to was 95 and slowly failing. She was the granddaughter of slaves, one of 19 children, and mother to 14 of her own! Her deteriorating vision prevented her from reading, so I read scripture to her, and we talked, and then we prayed. At one point, she told me at length about the many reasons she feels blessed by God, despite an often challenging life. When she finished, I took her hands and we prayed a prayer of thanksgiving. When I finished, she held onto my hands and began to sing … “May the good Lord bless and keep you,” in her still-firm alto voice, and sang it through to the end. I could feel the presence of God as strongly as I ever have, and, with tears in my eyes, I thanked her. And she said, “Well, I guess God’s still in the blessin’ business.”
My friends, how might you and I reach out today and bless someone with a kind word or deed, a smile, a silent prayer for them, or just by being there for them?
Let us pray: God of our earthly pilgrimage, we thank you for all your goodness and loving-kindness. Help us to overcome our problems and trials so that we can show forth our gratitude and praise not only with our lips but in our lives, by sharing with others your love, grace, and blessing. Help us this day to honor you by speaking lovingly and acting kindly, through Him who blessed us beyond comprehension. Amen.
Daily Message Author: Bob Griffiths
Bob is the former Chaplain at the Pines of Sarasota, southwest Florida’s oldest and largest not-for-profit senior care facility. Prior to joining the staff in 2010, Bob worked in hospice chaplaincy for seven years. He is the past Spiritual Life Director at St. Boniface Episcopal Church, Sarasota and is an Associate of the Order of the Holy Cross, an Episcopal Benedictine religious order.