Servant to All
The Apostle Paul once wrote, “Though I am free, I made myself a servant to all so that I might win some of them…” (See 1 Corinthians 9:16-23.)
Think about Paul for just a moment. Here was a man whose entire life was turned around. He had been a Pharisee – very religious – very dogmatic, actually persecuting Christians. He had this life-changing encounter with Christ, which changed not only what he believed, but also how he lived… how he loved, and how he gave.
He had seen firsthand how our suffering is transfigured by the cross. He had seen firsthand how God’s power can be manifest in our lives. He had seen firsthand how forgiveness and grace can open hearts and completely turn around relationships. And he had seen firsthand how a community of faith can be a source of healing and growth. He had seen this, experienced this!
Paul believed, not only that the gospel meant for us life after death, he also believed that it also meant life – before death – that it could make a difference in people’s lives and was a gift right here, right now. And he passionately believed he had something worth sharing.
“Though I am free, I made myself a servant to all so that I might win some of them…”
Notice what he doesn’t say. Here he’s not talking about cornering people and haranguing them in the streets. He’s not talking about beating people up with his Bible. He’s not talking about scaring them with threats of hell and damnation. He’s not talking about building political blocs of clout and going to battle…
No. He’s saying I have made myself a servant to all – a servant to the religious leadership who hated him… a servant to the unbelievers who maligned him… a servant to the church who often misunderstood him… a servant to the weak… a servant to the strong…
Paul passionately believed he had something worth sharing. And he shared it the same way Jesus had, by loving, serving, giving…
May you and I ever remember that we have something worth sharing.
I am reminded that it is important to share our own story – where we’ve found hope and life and renewal. We know that most people come to faith and get involved in a church by the invitation of others. But at the same time, our words mean nothing if our actions and lives have already spoken.
Let us pray: We thank you, gracious God, for the many ways that you have touched and blessed our lives. Grant us listening ears and servant hearts, that we might meet the needs of those around us, and share your Gospel in word and in deed. Amen.

Daily Message Author: Joe Albright
Joe began his ministry in Sarasota, Florida as an associate pastor, and it was in this capacity that he worked alongside the Reverend Dr. Roger Kunkel. Roger was a colleague who became a mentor and treasured friend. From Sarasota, Joe was called to Jacksonville, Florida where he served as the Head of Staff at Hodges Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Currently, Joe and his family worship and serve at Geneva Presbyterian Church in Switzerland, Florida. Full Bio