Rest, Risk, and Leave Behind

Rest, Risk, and Leave Behind

Today’s message was written by Roger Kunkel, founder of Dial Hope.

A group of sociologists once conducted a survey among 50 elderly people in a retirement community. Each was asked to complete an open-ended sentence. “If I had to do it over again, I would ___________.” Three main answers emerged. One, I would reflect more. Two, I would risk more. Three, I would do more things that would live on after I am dead.  That’s something to think about. How reflective are you? Do you move through life at such a hectic pace that you never stop to ask what does all this mean? Is God trying to say something to me in these circumstances? Am I open to being surprised by God’s grace in unexpected places?

What about risk-taking? Are you willing to risk your faith? And the clincher question: What are you doing that will be remembered after you are dead? Will the memories bring joy or sadness? Appreciation or concern? How many folks will be able to say, “I’m so glad my path crossed hers or his”?

Friend of Dial Hope, wherever you are on your spiritual journey know this… God loves you. You are a treasure to God and to others. Never ever forget that you are blessed, blessed to be a blessing to others.

Let us pray: Loving, living God, who has called us to be your servants in the service of others and who has given us talents enabling us to serve; forgive us for those times when we have buried our gifts and thus failed to be there for others and to do what we could have done to make ours a better world in which to live. As we seek to make this day a masterpiece, inspire us to say, “Here am I, God,’ and then go forth to live in the manner of Christ, whose name we profess. Amen.

Daily Message Author: Roger Kunkel

(November 24, 1934 – June 29, 2011) Rev. Dr. Roger Kunkel was a native of Parsons, Kansas, graduated from Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, where he received an award for “Outstanding Student and Citizen”. After graduating from Princeton Theological Seminary, he earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illinois, and went on to serve as Senior Pastor in Duluth, Minnesota, and Riverside, Illinois. He served as Chaplain of Heritage Park Rehab Center in Bradenton, Florida, after retiring from his pastorate at First Presbyterian Church of Sarasota in 1998. Full Bio
