Responding to Our Blessings
At the very end of the book of Deuteronomy (34:1-12), we get this picture of Moses standing on Mount Pisgah, at the very end of his life. The scripture tells us he could see the land that had been promised to his ancestors. His whole life had been leading up to this point. He knew he wouldn’t live to enter it – so he could see the future in which he would have no part.
Now we don’t know if he did this, but if Moses had turned to look in the other direction, he could also have seen much of the desert that had been his past.
Whether he actually turned to look or not, I have to believe that standing on that mountain at the end of his life, he would have reflected back. Yes – remembering some of the hardships. But also on the blessings. And I have to believe he also would have remembered those who had helped him along the way: his father-in-law Jethro; Miriam his sister; Aaron his brother, all the elders and leaders. And I have to imagine he would have felt a debt of gratitude. How could I have made it through life without them?
And then, I can picture him looking forward over the promised land, knowing that he would not be going with them physically – but knowing that he would very much be going with them in spirit – his life and his way of life would be carried on in the hearts of the people he loved. And he would have to think – my life meant something. This faith, this great tradition, did not begin with me – and it will not end with me – but in the time I had, I made a difference. I made a contribution.
It strikes me that we all reach points on the journey when can look back and reflect on where we have been – yes maybe we reflect on some of the hardships – but hopefully also on the many blessings and on the many who have helped us along the way.
And as we reflect – hopefully we can see how at some point we moved from being the one receiving to being the one who in turn also gives; from being the one who is fed – to being the one who in turn also feeds others. We go from being the one who was brought into the faith – or brought up in the faith – to the one who builds on what we’ve been given and then hands it down to others who will come after us.
Let us pray: We thank you, Loving God, for the many blessings in our lives; for friendships and family, for your love for us, and for the faith that was handed down to us. May we, in response, ever be looking for ways to be a blessing to you and to others; in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Message Author: Joe Albright
Joe began his ministry in Sarasota, Florida as an associate pastor, and it was in this capacity that he worked alongside the Reverend Dr. Roger Kunkel. Roger was a colleague who became a mentor and treasured friend. From Sarasota, Joe was called to Jacksonville, Florida where he served as the Head of Staff at Hodges Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Currently, Joe and his family worship and serve at Geneva Presbyterian Church in Switzerland, Florida. Full Bio