Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All
Every year at Christmas we tell this same story. We talk about peace, good news, and great joy. But, are these just words? Is this just a quaint story? When we look around and we don’t see much in the way of peace. What we see is great division, conflict, poverty, and war.
The author Conrad Hayes writes about an event that happened during the Civil War. Confederate and Union troops were fighting a battle outside of Richmond, Virginia when one evening Confederate forces laid down their arms, ceased fire, and began to light bonfires along the front lines. The Union sentries were left scratching their heads. They called across the battle lines, asking for clarification. The answer was cheerfully given in return. They were celebrating the birth of a child to General George Pickett. When the news filtered back to General Grant, he ordered the Union troops to join in the celebration.
Along both Confederate and Union lines, bonfires were lit. The men weary from fighting, drank toasts and sang songs, and told stories. Instead of the sound of gunfire and the groans of the wounded and dying there was laughing and singing. A baby had temporarily stopped the war.
Hayes writes, “This too is like the foolishness of God – who comes not with military might and heroic deeds but in the weak and helpless form of an infant, born, as it were on the battlefields of Canaan. How, in fact, should one act in the presence of a child, especially the Christ Child, except by becoming more childlike: a little less hateful and a little more loving, a little less selfish and a little more generous, a little less distrustful and a little more innocent.”
We all know the realities of war are complex. There are no easy solutions to the division, poverty, and suffering we see in the world around us. However, the words that we share at Christmas are just that, just words, until we begin to live them.
When we look closely at the Christmas story, we see that it was right into the heart of the uncertainty, poverty, and conflict of everyday life that God came to us in Jesus. And we are invited to follow. We are invited to follow him into those hurting, suffering places, to give of ourselves, to make a difference, and to join God in bringing hope, compassion, and peace to this world that is desperately, desperately in need.
As we head into Christmas, I do pray that God will give us eyes to see the light – even amid the darkness. And may God give us open hearts…. that we would ever be looking for ways to allow that light to shine through us.
Let us pray: Loving God, on this Christmas Eve, we especially pray for those who are experiencing loneliness, pain, and brokenness in their lives. May they know that you are with them, even in this very moment. May they know that it is for them that you have come. Fill each of us this day with an overwhelming sense of your presence and grace. Remind us that you have blessed us to be a blessing to others. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Daily Message Author: Joe Albright
Joe began his ministry in Sarasota, Florida as an associate pastor, and it was in this capacity that he worked alongside the Reverend Dr. Roger Kunkel. Roger was a colleague who became a mentor and treasured friend. From Sarasota, Joe was called to Jacksonville, Florida where he served as the Head of Staff at Hodges Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Currently, Joe and his family worship and serve at Geneva Presbyterian Church in Switzerland, Florida. Full Bio