May We See Deeper

May We See Deeper

I was out surfing alone sometime back and another surfer paddled out next to me. It was a beautiful day, but this surfer was full of complaints. He was angry that someone told him the waves were perfect and they were not. His language was rough and his demeanor ugly. I found myself thinking: Look, you are not at work. You are not in the hospital. The water is warm and clear and beautiful. The waves are not perfect – but not bad for Florida. The sun is out and the pelicans are soaring. I didn’t want anything to do with this guy, so I turned and paddled down the beach to get away from him.

But later, I reflected on the situation, and it dawned on me that I had no idea what this other surfer might have been going through in his own life. Maybe he had just argued with his wife, or son. Maybe he was worried about money. Maybe he didn’t even have a job to go to. And as I reflected, my heart softened, and I prayed for him.

How often do we judge other people without really knowing what they may be dealing with?

I hope I am never as ungrateful and negative as this fellow surfer was on that morning. But I also hope, no one judges me based on one chance meeting. We all have our moments, don’t we?

Jesus said, “Do not judge unless you want to be judged. The measure you give is the measure you get.”

May God give us eyes to see beyond the surface – to see his image in each and every person we meet.

Let us pray: You have called us to be salt and light; to set an example of your love and grace. As we go through life, O God, we sometimes meet people who rub us the wrong way. Sometimes we see things in people that we don’t like in ourselves. Whenever possible, Lord, help us to be kind and gracious.

Merciful God, we can’t pretend to know what others are going through. We pray today for people who are carrying heavy, heavy burdens at this time. We lift up you those who are so stressed and worried that gratitude is almost out of reach. We pray that your Spirit would rest on them, and give them your peace. May your Spirit rest on us too – that we might be instruments of your peace. Amen.

Daily Message Author: Joe Albright

Joe began his ministry in Sarasota, Florida as an associate pastor, and it was in this capacity that he worked alongside the Reverend Dr. Roger Kunkel. Roger was a colleague who became a mentor and treasured friend. From Sarasota, Joe was called to Jacksonville, Florida where he served as the Head of Staff at Hodges Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Currently, Joe and his family worship and serve at Geneva Presbyterian Church in Switzerland, Florida. Full Bio
