In the Midst of War

In the Midst of War

Over the past several weeks, the news has been filled with the brutality of war in Gaza. All of this in the wake of the horror of the Hamas terrorist attack on innocent civilians – teenagers and children… It is hard to imagine that kind of cold-hearted hatred… It drags up memories of 9/11… And it raises the question: What brings a person or a group of people to that point of savagery? It’s heartbreaking.

What is a person of faith to say on such a day as this? Where is God in the midst of such atrocities?

I do know this, at the heart of our Christian faith stands the cross. We worship a God who suffers alongside us… who in Christ, on that cross, is forever with us in our suffering. God is with those who hold out on the front lines – in refugee camps and in war zones. God is with the mother holding her child in the ICU. God is with the lonely, the hungry, the heartbroken. If the cross shows us nothing else, it shows us that God is with those who suffer.

What is our response then to be? Well, our response is to give to those in need, and to pray… to pray for those who have lost loved ones, pray for the protection of aide workers and innocent civilians, pray for the world leaders for wisdom and guidance, and to pray even for those whom we may see as enemies.

To that end, please pray with me:

Loving and gracious God, our hearts are heavy, burdened by the turmoil and suffering that we witness in our world, and the profound challenges faced by so many. We remember today the people of Gaza and Israel, who have witnessed the brutality of war, most recently in the wake of a heart-wrenching terrorist attack on innocent civilians. Our hearts ache at the cold-hearted hatred that leads to such violence, and we pray for those who are caught in the midst of it. We ask your protection over aide workers, medical personnel, and others seeking to help. We pray for Hamas – for a softening of hearts – for a bending of wills. We pray for justice… and we pray for peace. Grant us peace in our own souls as well, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Message Author: Joe Albright

Joe began his ministry in Sarasota, Florida as an associate pastor, and it was in this capacity that he worked alongside the Reverend Dr. Roger Kunkel. Roger was a colleague who became a mentor and treasured friend. From Sarasota, Joe was called to Jacksonville, Florida where he served as the Head of Staff at Hodges Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Currently, Joe and his family worship and serve at Geneva Presbyterian Church in Switzerland, Florida. Full Bio
