God’s Calling on Your Life

God’s Calling on Your Life

I love the dramatic call stories in the Bible. I didn’t have a dramatic call from God, but in a way, I can relate. In these stories, God’s call is almost always met with at least a little resistance. This is human nature, right? When Moses was called, he replied to God, “Who am I?” Isaiah said, “Woe is me. I am lost.” Jeremiah replied, “I’m just a boy!” What they were saying is, “I’m not worthy.”

You may be familiar with this excuse. How could you pick me? If you had any idea God, what I’ve done in my life? Could you get somebody a little more together, a little more religious, a little more faithful?

As a pastor, I have noticed that some people have a hard time feeling chosen or accepted, or even loved. We live in a culture that tells us we have to be the best, the brightest, have the most in order to be chosen and loved. But that is not how God works.

I’ve actually had people tell me that they don’t want to attend church because they feel they don’t have their act together enough. In fact, not too long ago, a friend shared with me that her aunt won’t go to church anymore because she was divorced twice. She didn’t feel good enough or worthy enough to be in God’s presence. Which is sad.

The truth is there is no one in the church who is perfect. There is no one who has it all completely together. There is no one who is not in need of God’s grace. No one. And yet, God loves us and has in fact laid claim to each of our lives.

The very heart of the Gospel is that God loves you, God forgives you and God calls you to be a part of his family. And, no matter where you are on your faith journey, God invites you to serve the world with his love.

Let us pray: Here we are, Lord. With all of our imperfections, all of our faults and flaws. We know that you love us and that you have called us, and we want to respond. We want to respond not just with our words – but with our very lives. In Christ’s name. Amen.

Daily Message Author: Joe Albright

Joe began his ministry in Sarasota, Florida as an associate pastor, and it was in this capacity that he worked alongside the Reverend Dr. Roger Kunkel. Roger was a colleague who became a mentor and treasured friend. From Sarasota, Joe was called to Jacksonville, Florida where he served as the Head of Staff at Hodges Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Currently, Joe and his family worship and serve at Geneva Presbyterian Church in Switzerland, Florida. Full Bio
