Give Your Heart to Christ

Give Your Heart to Christ

“Hunter serves as Pastor and Head of Staff at Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Augustine, Fl. He is a Florida native and is a graduate of Flager College and Columbia Theological Seminary.” -Joe

What would free the human heart from feeling troubled? What would it take to lift that burden from you?

Jesus’ answer may seem cliché because we’ve heard it a thousand times. But just because we’ve heard it a thousand times doesn’t mean that it isn’t the best answer. Jesus said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me.”

When Jesus said believe in God and believe also in me he’s not talking about something intellectual. That’s not what the Greek translation of the words suggests.

When Jesus says believe in God and believe also in me, he is saying something like this: “Give your heart to God, give your heart also to me.”

Martin Luther put it best when he said, “God is who you hang your heart on.”


Loving God, help us to hang our hearts upon you that our hearts may know less trouble and more peace. And in knowing more peace, we might offer this peace to others who are hurting. In the name of Christ, we pray. Amen.

Daily Message Author: Hunter Camp

Hunter serves as Pastor and Head of Staff at Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Augustine, Fl. He is a Florida native and is a graduate of Flager College and Columbia Theological Seminary. Full Bio
