June 2013 Newsletter

Our First Endowment

Our heartfelt thanks go out out to Betty Stewart who, in March of this year, approached Chair Anne Jones and President Joe Albright to announce that she would like to provide seed money for Dial Hope’s first endowment.  What an amazing gift!

When asked what motivated her to do this, Betty said, “When Roger started Dial Hope at First Presbyterian Church, I knew something special was going to happen.  Immediately embraced by our church members, Dial Hope grew quickly beyond our community.  In time a special phone line was established through the Pentagon so our deployed military could hear the daily messages.  My husband served in the Armed Forces, and I can only imagine how meaningful it would have been for him to have had access to special words of encouragement on a daily basis when he was serving.  I want to see this ministry grow.  I want to see our ripples of hope spread around the world in years to come.”

Chaplains’ Breakfast at the Pines of Sarasota

On March 12, 2013, the Dial Hope Foundation hosted a lovely breakfast at the Pines of Sarasota.  Under the auspices of George Manser, Chair Emeritus of Dial Hope, John Overton, C.E.O. of the Pines, and Chaplain Bob Griffiths, the event was an opportunity to share our ministry with local chaplains and clergy in the area.  By extension, we also reached out to the people for whom they care as well.

Guests included the Rev. Dr. Glen Bell of First Presbyterian Church, Eric Hoskins of Young Life, the Rev. John Wesley Walker from the Ringling College of Art and Design, the Rev. Chuck Moffett from Bay Village, Chaplain Don Hillerich from Village on the Isle, and chaplains from Sarasota Memorial, Doctors, and Blake Medical Hospitals.

Dial Hope Participates in the Veterans Stand Down

On April 20, 2013, Dial Hope Board Member Jean Fulton and Special Projects Committee member Buck Fry participated in the Military Stand Down.  The Stand Down, which familiarizes American Vets with resources available to them within the community, was held at the Sarasota County Health Department in Sarasota, Florida.  Jean and Buck handed out Dial Hope materials to both American Veterans and sponsors of the event.  It was wonderful way in which to share hope with those in need.

Frances L. Woods

Frances L. Woods, a dear friend and faithful follower of Dial Hope, died in Sarasota on March 23, 2013.  As a lady who was always caring and compassionate towards others, Frances will be remembered as being one who encouraged others to do their best.  Her son Matthew made it known at the time of her death that Frances wanted Dial Hope to be the recipient of memorial donations made in her name, and for that we are most grateful.

In keeping with Roger Kunkel’s vision for this ministry, hope has no price tag.  We do not charge telephone listeners or website readers for accessing our daily messages of inspiration.  Our support comes totally from you, our faithful and generous followers, and for that we are most thankful.

If you would like to introduce someone to Dial Hope, or if we may send you cards or bookmarks for distribution, please contact Stephie at stephiesafford@gmail.com or write to us at P.O. Box 953, Sarasota, FL  34230.

March 2013 Newsletter

Dear Friends of Dial Hope,

We are pleased to welcome Regina (Jean) Fulton and the Reverend Fredrick A. Robinson to our foundation Board of Trustees. Jean is involved in multiple activities, one of which is serving on the Board of Directors for Resurrection House. Fr. Fred is Rector of the Church of the Redeemer in Sarasota, and serves as President of the Resurrection House Board. We are excited and honored that they would choose to share their time with us.

At the same time, we thank retiring Board members Tom Melly and Chuck Fulton for their outstanding contributions to our Foundation. Buck Fry, who served as a Trustee last year, has moved onto the Special Projects Committee. He, along with new committee member Karen Turner, new Trustee Jean Fulton, Char Kunkel, and Ann Moore, will focus on developing our out-reach programs in the community and across the country.

On March 12, the Dial Hope Foundation and the Pines of Sarasota will be co-hosting a Chaplains’ breakfast. George Manser, Chair Emeritus of the Dial Hope Foundation and Chaplain Bob Griffiths of the Pines, have created a thought-inspiring program. I will be sharing thoughts as to how the Dial Hope ministry can enrich the lives of chaplains and clergy of all faiths. This breakfast will also serve as an opportunity for chaplains and clergy to network with one another.

We learned recently of the passing of a long time follower of Dial Hope, Nancy Eagle Loy of Moorhead, Minnesota. It is with heartfelt gratitude that we thank her family for recognizing the Dial Hope Foundation as a recipient of memorial donations made in Nancy’s name. Her son Jon Loy said that one of Nancy’s special traits was that of sharing with others the need in the world for more comfort, care and compassion among all people. How beautifully that philosophy ties in with the Dial Hope ministry – the need to share  encouragement, inspiration, and care. We appreciate Nancy’s support of Dial Hope during her lifetime, and are grateful for the gifts given in her name which will help support us in years to come. Having recognized this special memorial gift, it is important to remember that Dial Hope could not operate without your continued support. Whether through ongoing gifts or legacy and memorial donations, we depend upon you, our followers. Thank you!

Rev. Joe Albright

June 2012 Newsletter

Dial Hope is a 24-hour global telephone and internet ministry providing daily faith-based non-denominational messages of encouragement, inspiration and care.

June, 2012

Dear Friends of Dial Hope,

God is doing amazing things through our telephone and internet ministry.  He is giving us an opportunity to reach out to those in need, those who feel alone, those who are struggling to cope with the loss of a loved one, a major illness, a damaged relationship, the loss of work.  Lives are being changed, relationships restored – all through the power of God and the messages of hope and encouragement which are being shared through Dial Hope.

Most recently our physical vehicle for sharing our telephone ministry went through a major transformation.  In March, under the auspices of Ray Hord, we up-dated and changed our actual telecommunications server to that of Star2Star.  This was no small feat!  It took months of preparation and a great deal of work.  Outdated telephone equipment was removed from one location and new phone equipment was installed at another.  Changing companies, negotiating contracts, installing new transmission equipment was challenging.  Ray was able to accomplish this in a most seamless manner with a minimum disruption of service.  Importantly, all of our Dial Hope phone numbers remained intact.

The result of this communications change will be reflected in lower monthly costs to the Foundation for service, improved recording capability on behalf of all participating pastors, and fewer disruptions in communication over the airwaves.  Ray’s continued support and generosity of time and resources in developing our Dial Hope communications systems has made this possible.  How blessed we are to have such a highly skilled, dedicated individual working quietly behind the scenes of our ministry!

Ray Hord pictured with his wife Judy.

Think about it.  Each day through our Dial Hope phone line and website (www.dialhope.org) people are given the opportunity of hearing and reading words of gentle encouragement, hope and inspiration.  You, dear friend, are part of this.  It is because of your support that we are able to make this free resource available to people at home and around the world.

Thank you for helping us spread Ripples of Hope to those in need.

Stephie Safford, Operations Manager
Rev. Joe Albright, Lead Pastor

P.S. As summer is upon us and fall not far behind, please remember to mark on your calendars our Appreciation Event which will occur on Monday, October 29, 2012, at Northern Trust Bank in Sarasota. 

March 2011 Newsletter

Another New Year!  Another TA-DA!  And Dial Hope is growing!

This month we mark another milestone in spreading Ripples of Hope.  Many of you know that over the last few years we have been reaching out to the military and local Chaplains, in an effort to help lighten their incredible load as they care for others.  Last month we held our first Chaplains Breakfast, and as we offer our care to the Chaplains, by extension we also reach out to the people they care for with the continuing messages of hope and inspiration.

Also growing – our guest clergy family!  We now have six guest clergy and we hope to welcome one more pastor in the coming months.  Every month we hear or read three messages in succession, each from a member of our guest clergy family.  This not only keeps Dial Hope vibrant and strong, it also spreads Ripples throughout new congregations, families and communities, and welcomes more Friends of Dial Hope!

We continue to receive donations made in honor or in memory of friends or loved ones upon their passing, or to mark a special date, anniversary or birthday.  We are thankful for the many ways we receive funding – we can’t do it without you!  If you would like to honor a friend or loved one, please contact us via mail (see left for address) or via email at info@dialhope.org so that we may notify family members of your kindness.

We strive to be good stewards of your gifts!  From prayerfully welcoming new Board members full of energy and vision for the future, to renegotiating utility bills, and obtaining postage permits, we make the very best use of your gifts and God continues to bless this ministry.  This year we welcome to the Board of Trustees, Candy Swick, William Weiss, and Rev. Eric Wogen.

If you have a specific request, would like to introduce someone to Dial Hope, or if we may send you cards or bookmarks for distribution, please contact us and let us know how we can help.  Thank you for your continued prayers and support, and for helping spread Ripples of Hope to your friends, families, and throughout the world.      

Rev. Dr. Roger M. Kunkel, Founder

September 2010 Newsletter

Greetings Friends of Dial Hope!

Since our last Newsletter in June, we continue to receive enthusiastic support for the Dial Hope ministry, via phone calls, letters, testimonials and email subscribers.  Our 24-hour telephone message now totals a record 7,000 calls per month, with 2,500 monthly email messages!

We have determined that the second highest call volume is now received from Greenwood, Indiana.  Thank you to all of you who call, read, visit the website, and continue to support this ministry of Hope.

Exciting developments since the last Newsletter include the beginning of periodical messages recorded by our guest clergy.  The first guest clergy is Eric Wogen, a Pastor in Sarasota, Florida, who recorded the first message on August 10th.  Four other guest clergy will be partnering with us to record messages occasionally over the summer months.  The messages will continue to be available on the website, and via daily email.

If you would like to introduce anyone to Dial Hope, please contact us at info@dialhope.org and let us know how we can help.

Of note… Happy Anniversary Dial Hope – September 10th, 2010 marks the 10th Anniversary of this ministry!

SAVE THE DATE ~ November 8, 2010, 5pm to 7pm
Second Annual Friendraiser, Lido Beach Resort, Sarasota, Florida.

Lastly, we are especially grateful to First Presbyterian Church for their support in the mailing of the June Newsletter.

Thank you!
Rev. Dr. Roger M. Kunkel, Founder
Sally R. McGill, Operations Manager