With God, All Things Are Possible

With God, All Things Are Possible

Danish philosopher and theologian Soren Kierkegaard once wrote:

If I were to wish for anything I should not wish for wealth and power, but for the passionate sense of what can be, for the eye which, ever young and ardent, sees the possible. Pleasure disappoints, possibility never. And what wine is so sparkling, what so fragrant, what so intoxicating as possibility?

As you look at the world around you, as you consider your own relationships and your own life, what do you see? Some people only see the negative. Others impose limits by their understanding of the past. But the truth is, there is endless possibility. 

In the book of Genesis, when the Lord appears to Abraham and Sarah, the Lord promises them that they will have a son, even in their old age. Sarah laughs at the promise, but God responds by asking, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”

In a similar fashion, in the book of Jeremiah chapter 32, we read, “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?”

You and I know the answer to that question. May God fill us with a passionate sense of what can be. 

Let us pray: In the dark and troubling times of life, O God, it is hard to believe. It is hard to imagine a different future or to dream of a new day. But you are the God who creates possibility. You are the God for whom all things are possible. Arise from within us an overwhelming sense of hope, and grant us new eyes to see all that can be. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Don’t Miss What’s Most Important

Don’t Miss What’s Most Important

Well-known architect Frank Lloyd Wright once told a story about when he was a boy of about 9 years old. It was a cold winter morning, and he and his uncle, who was a no-nonsense serious man, went walking across a snow-covered field. When they reached the gate at the far end of the field, his uncle stopped him. He pointed out his own tracks in the snow, straight and true as an arrow’s flight. And then he pointed to young Frank’s tracks meandering all over the field. “Notice how your tracks wander aimlessly from the fence to the cattle to the woods and back again,” his uncle said. “And see how my tracks aim directly to my goal. There is an important lesson in that.” 

Years later the famous architect liked to tell how this experience had greatly contributed to his philosophy in life. “I determined right then,” he said, “not to miss the most important things in life, as my uncle had.” 

Today, I hope you will let your God-given curiosity allow you to marvel at the wonders of God’s creation all around you. May you make time to explore and dance and play. And as you do, may you notice God’s deep joy filling your heart. 

Loving God, So often we fill our lives with important projects and appointments. And, sometimes we let our to-do lists get the better of us. Sometimes we let our serious side dominate. Help us today, to enjoy life to its fullest. Show us again how to have fun and enjoy the world you created. We remember even now that you are a God who delights in his people. We delight now in you! Amen.

I Will Awake the Dawn!

I Will Awake the Dawn!

Psalm 108 begins:

My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast;
    I will sing and make melody.
    Awake, my soul!
Awake, O harp and lyre!
    I will awake the dawn.
I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples,
    and I will sing praises to you among the nations. 
For your steadfast love is higher than the heavens,
    and your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

What a beautiful day to begin a day! 

For many of us, morning time is a time of alarm clocks, tired children, and scrambling to get out the door. For others of us, it is hard to get out of bed; aching bones and muscles make it difficult to get moving. For others still, despair can be paralyzing. 

C.S. Lewis has some powerful thoughts on this. He once wrote, “The moment you wake up each morning, all your wishes and hopes for the day rush at you like wild animals. And the first job each morning consists in shoving it all back; in listening to that other voice, taking that other point of view, letting that other, larger, stronger, quieter life come flowing in.”

My prayer for each of you at first morning light, you would pause even for a moment, give thanks for the new day, and open your heart anew to God’s strength and love.

Let us pray: We praise you, O God, for your mercies are new every morning. Grant us hearts that will sing in response. Amen. 

Words, Only When Necessary

Words, Only When Necessary

There’s a great story about Saint Francis and a novice monk. One day Saint Francis came to this novice, and said, “Son, I want you to come to town with me today, we’re going to preach.” And the novice was thrilled. He had not had that privilege and opportunity before. So out they went. They spent the morning in the marketplace – and lent a hand to some of the vendors and prayed for them. They visited the sick. They chopped and carried firewood for an older widow. They brought food to a family in need.

When they returned home at the end of the day, worn out and exhausted, the novice said to Francis, “Father, I thought we were going to town to preach. We never got to do that.” Francis said, “My son we did preach. Everywhere we went people were watching us. You must preach the Gospel everywhere you go. And use words only when necessary.” 

As I mentioned yesterday, sometimes words are necessary. Sometimes it is important to share our own story – where we’ve found hope and life and renewal. We know that most people come to faith and get involved in a church by the invitation of others. But at the same time, our words mean nothing if our actions and lives have already spoken.

Let us pray: We remember today, gracious God, that you have entrusted us with a beautiful message of hope and life and light. We thank you for the many ways that you have touched and blessed our lives. Grant us listening ears and servant hearts, that we might meet the needs of those around us, and share your Gospel in word, and in deed. Amen. 

Servant to All

Servant to All

The Apostle Paul once wrote, “Though I am free, I made myself a servant to all so that I might win some of them…” (See 1 Corinthians 9:16-23.)

Think about Paul for just a moment. Here was a man whose entire life was turned around. He had been a Pharisee – very religious – very dogmatic, actually persecuting Christians. He had this life-changing encounter with Christ, which changed not only what he believed, but also how he lived… how he loved, and how he gave. 

He had seen firsthand how our suffering is transfigured by the cross. He had seen firsthand how God’s power can be manifest in our lives. He had seen firsthand how forgiveness and grace can open hearts and completely turn around relationships. And he had seen firsthand how a community of faith can be a source of healing and growth. He had seen this, experienced this!

Paul believed, not only that the gospel meant for us life after death, he also believed that it also meant life – before death – that it could make a difference in people’s lives and was a gift right here, right now. And he passionately believed he had something worth sharing.

“Though I am free, I made myself a servant to all so that I might win some of them…”

Notice what he doesn’t say. Here he’s not talking about cornering people and haranguing them in the streets. He’s not talking about beating people up with his Bible. He’s not talking about scaring them with threats of hell and damnation. He’s not talking about building political blocs of clout and going to battle…   

No. He’s saying I have made myself a servant to all – a servant to the religious leadership who hated him… a servant to the unbelievers who maligned him… a servant to the church who often misunderstood him… a servant to the weak… a servant to the strong…

Paul passionately believed he had something worth sharing. And he shared it the same way Jesus had, by loving, serving, giving…

May you and I ever remember that we have something worth sharing. 

I am reminded that it is important to share our own story – where we’ve found hope and life and renewal. We know that most people come to faith and get involved in a church by the invitation of others. But at the same time, our words mean nothing if our actions and lives have already spoken.

Let us pray: We thank you, gracious God, for the many ways that you have touched and blessed our lives. Grant us listening ears and servant hearts, that we might meet the needs of those around us, and share your Gospel in word and in deed. Amen. 



A doctor devoted as much of his spare time as he could to a charity clinic. One day an elderly gentleman was ushered into the physician’s private offices downtown.

“Remember me, Doctor?’ the man asked. “You treated me over at the charity clinic. I’ve come into some money lately, and I can afford to pay for the service of a doctor now.” “But what made you come to me?’ the physician wanted to know. “I wasn’t the only doctor who treated you at the clinic.” “I know,” the old man said quietly, “But you were the only one who helped me with my coat.” 

Christianity is not an explanation but a demonstration of God’s love and kindness living in the human heart. You don’t have to give away great sums of money to show your concern. You don’t have to be eloquent to tell someone you care. Caring is making room in your heart for an individual and their problem. Sometimes simply being available, giving a friendly touch, a smile, a hug, or just listening, is caring. 

May God be with you every moment of this day. 

Let us pray: Loving God, with each new day your promise of hope is restored, in every sunrise we see your face; in every sunset, we rest in your arms. Each day is like the first day you created with the same invitation – for us to live in your image, to work creatively, to practice random acts of kindness. Sprinkle us with your love so our mustard-seed faith will grow like large elms whose leafy arms stretch to the heavens, and arch in prayer. Give us the faith of the rising sun, the trust of trees, and the hope that springs eternal from constant prayer. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Earthly Examples

Earthly Examples

The Apostle Paul wrote, “Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ.”

Early on in life, I looked to my grandfather as a role model, someone I admired. Not that he was perfect – my grandmother made it perfectly clear that he was not. But he obviously cared deeply for others, and he served the church with dedication. He never had a lot of money or fine things, but he had a deep love of life itself. And from a young age, he was someone I looked up to. And I often thought, “I want to live like that.”

We all need role models. Of course, for those who seek to follow him, Jesus is our ultimate example. But we need other earthly examples too. We need people who have modeled a way of life, a way of giving, a way of serving, a way of loving. 

If you were to have a personal board of directors, people you admire, people you look up to, people who could hold you accountable, who would they be?

Let us pray: God of all generations, I give you thanks for Popsi – my grandfather, and for the many others who have influenced and shaped my life for the better. We each give you thanks for the positive role models we’ve had in the past. And we ask that on this journey of life, you would surround us with those who would show us the path and draw us closer to you. Grant us teachers and leaders who are worthy of following. And, grant us wisdom and discernment so we may choose them wisely. Amen.



In his novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude Gabriel Garcia Marquez writes about a strange disease that slowly infiltrated the old village of Macondo. This disease that emerged from the surrounding swamp, was a form of insomnia that attacked the whole town. The initial outcome was the inability of people to sleep. Although the villagers do not feel any bodily fatigue at all, a more serious effect slowly comes about, and that is the loss of memory. Gradually folks in the village realize they can no longer remember or recall the past. Soon they find that they cannot remember the name or the meaning of the simplest things used every day.

Those of you who have had loved ones who have battled Alzheimer’s Disease know how heartbreaking loss of memory can be. Of course, there are things in each of our lives that we would rather forget, but for the most part, our memories are a precious gift. They connect us with friends and family across great spans of distance and time. They allow us to experience the warmth of summer in the midst of a cold winter, and they offer us an opportunity to not duplicate past mistakes and failures. Our memories also root us in vital traditions that add meaning and depth to our lives.

During the Last Supper, when Jesus told his disciples, “Do this in remembrance of me,” he was offering them hope. And through their memories, he was offering hope to the generations to come. Remember my life. Remember my sacrifice. Remember my love. 


Let us pray: God of all time and space, we thank you for the gift of memory. Today we especially remember friends and loved ones near and far. We thank you for the good times we have shared with them – for laughter and for tears. We thank you also that in Jesus we have a reminder of your love for us – a love that is unconditional and unfaltering. Finally, we thank you that you are a God who remembers us. Be near to us this day. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

A Living Sacrifice

A Living Sacrifice

In the Hebrew scriptures, our Old Testament, animal sacrifices were a huge part of worship and faith. The priests of that day were responsible for making the sacrifice, then cleaning them and cooking them. As a pastor, I am so thankful we don’t do that anymore!  

But there is something about this ancient ritual that is still relevant. The sacrifice of an animal from the herd or flock was costly for the ancient Israelites. The meat was a rare luxury in that world, so the offering was genuinely sacrificial.  

Whenever I read about these offerings in scripture, I think about the sacrificial nature of a life of faith. There is no doubt that when we give generously of ourselves, when we sacrifice for the sake of others, when we commit wholeheartedly to a particular ministry, our faith matures and deepens.  

The Apostle Paul wrote, “I appeal to you brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship…”

Let us pray: Loving God, we give you our hearts, we give you our hands. We give you our feet and our minds and even our words. Lead us where you will. Use the gifts we offer to serve your people and to glorify you. We ask that you would continue to heal us, redeem us, and move us along the path to new and abundant life. Amen.

That Was the Interview

That Was the Interview

Today’s message was written by the founder of Dial Hope, the Rev. Roger Kunkel

There is a story about a man in a large city who was on his way to an interview for a new job at a highly successful company. Well-groomed, wearing a nice suit, the man made his way to the corporate headquarters. As he was waiting for the elevator, an elderly janitor walked by, slipped on the wet floor, and fell down awkwardly. The young man chuckled to himself, unconcerned that the older man might have been hurt. He actually stepped over the fallen janitor, boarded the elevator, went up to the twenty-ninth floor, and entered the reception area of the firm. Soon his name was called, and he was used not a beautiful executive office.

He was greeted by the company president who conducted the interview. She began by saying, “By the way, on your way up to see me, did you see anyone who needed help? ”Yes,” he replied, “A janitor fell right in front of me as I was waiting for the elevator.” “Did you stop to help him?” She asked. “Well, no because I believe in promptness and I didn’t want to be late for this important interview.” “Of course.” said the company president, “But you see, that was the interview! As a business executive, I know that many people do try to push and shove their way to the top. But as a person of faith, I have come to realize that love is the most powerful thing in the world, and anyone who wishes to rank first must learn how to serve others. I’m very sorry, but I am afraid you are not the kind of person I have in mind for this position.” 

As Jesus made his way to the cross, the disciples were arguing over who was the greatest. When they entered the upper room, Jesus took a towel and a basin and he washed their feet, showing them and us in a dramatic way that we Christians are called to be gracious servants.

Let us pray: Loving God, inspire us to loving gentleness and gracious service. May we seek to fulfill what you require of us: to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.