As Love Is Offered to Us, We Can Offer to Others
This past week I heard this interview with Father Greg Boyle who is a Jesuit Priest. Very early on in his ministry, he was placed in inner-city Los Angeles to work with gangs in the roughest part of the city. It was a fascinating interview – and so moving.
He ended up starting several businesses in the inner city to employ these kids who had been in gangs just to give them jobs – some kind of hope – some kind of way out. These kids, as you can imagine, come from the worst kind of life situations – they often drop out of school – very few opportunities. And he’s there building relationships with them.
And in this interview, he said, “Lately, the homies have been asking for a blessing. Though they never say “Father, may I have your blessing?” They always say, “Hey, G, give me a bless, yeah?”
“And they always say it the same way. So this kid, Louie, I’m talking to him, and he’s complaining about something. And finally, at the end of it, he says, “Hey, G, give me a bless, yeah?” I said, “Sure.” So he comes around to my side of the desk, and he knows the drill, and he bows his head, and I put my hands on his shoulder. Well, his birthday had been two days before, so it gave me an opportunity to say something to him. And I said, ‘You know, Louie, I’m proud to know you, and my life is richer because you came into it. When you were born, the world became a better place. And I’m proud to call you my son, even though’ — and I don’t know why I decided to add this part — ‘at times, you can really be a huge pain in the ass.’”
“And he looks up, and he smiles. And he says, ‘The feeling’s mutual.’”
He went on to laugh and said, “Sometimes we do have this opportunity to help others find belonging, love, and acceptance. Sometimes we do have these opportunities to help others glimpse their true identity. As it offered to us, we can offer it to others.”
“Alice Miller, who’s the late, great child psychologist, talked about how we’re all called to be enlightened witnesses: people who, through your kindness and tenderness and focused attention of love, return people to themselves. And in the process, you’re returned to yourself.”
Again this week, I wonder if there might be people in your life who need to hear a blessing from you…
Let us pray: Gracious God, may we know your unconditional love for us in the very deepest part of our beings. And may we share that gift with a world desperately in need. Amen.