The Lamplighter

The Lamplighter

It is an old story, but it is true and it is good. The famous British author John Ruskin, one night in his later years, sat watching a lamplighter who, with a torch in his hand, was lighting the lamps on a distant hill. The man himself could not be seen, but the lights would gleam as each one was lighted. Ruskin said to a friend, “That is what I mean by a real Christian. You can trace their course by the lights they leave burning.” 

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, “You are the light of the world… let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in Heaven.” (Matthew 5:14-16). Friend of Dial Hope, make today a masterpiece with your contagious enthusiasm, the light of your joy, and hope. 

Let us pray: O God of china blue skies and dazzling sunrises, with each new day your promise of hope is restored. Each day is like the Day of Resurrection filled with new life and hope. Grant us the boldness to move out of comfortable security to the risk of faith, the joy of service, the laughter of love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Out of the Darkness

Out of the Darkness

Several months ago, our church celebrated our Scottish roots with a ceremony called “Kirking of the Tartans.” We were reminded that when Scotland lost its freedom to England in the 1700s, they experienced great loss – even a sense of oppression. They were forbidden to speak Gallic, or to play the pipes or even to wear the colors that symbolized their family heritage. For the people of that nation, this was a dark and difficult time.

At the same time, amazing things happened in Scotland during this historic period. In his book, How the Scots Invented the Modern World, Arthur Herman makes the case that in part, because the Scots no longer had to worry about defending their borders, they were able to put more time and resources into developing their education – especially the University system. Out of these schools came the men and women who were most influential in developing many of our modern inventions, and in the Enlightenment. Many of these men and women went on to influence – directly or indirectly – the birth of our democratic nation.

All of this just reminds me that even in the darkest moments of life, God is present. And though it is often impossible to see it in the moment, there is potential for great good and beauty and truth to emerge.  

Let us pray: When darkness and uncertainty surround us, it is tempting to give up, to grow bitter or cynical. Give us eyes to see beyond the darkness. Give us faith to trust that you are at work and that your love will ultimately prevail. Grant us courage and strength to look for the good and to move forward in faith. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Think About These Things…

Think About These Things…

The much-beloved hymn, Fairest Lord Jesus, was written sometime in the mid-sixteen hundreds by an anonymous author. It first appeared in a Jesuit hymnbook in 1677. Whoever wrote this beautiful hymn obviously had a deep devotional life. 

A life that focuses on the beauty of Christ, is a life put in perspective.  

The Apostle Paul wrote, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or worthy of praise, think about such things. And the God of peace will be with you.

A spiritual director once gave me that verse to memorize. She said, “Read it over and over and over, until you know it in your head and feel it in your heart. And then do it!”

Not a bad prescription! 

Our prayer today comes from the hymn, Fairest Lord Jesus. Let us pray:

Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all nature, O thou of God and man the Son. Thee will I cherish. Thee will I honor. Thou, my soul’s glory, joy and crown. Fair is the sunshine, fairer still the moonlight. And all the twinkling starry host. Jesus shines brighter. Jesus shines purer than all the angels heaven can boast. Beautiful Savior, Lord of all nations Son of God and Son of Man. Glory and honor, praise, adoration now and forever more be Thine. Amen. 

A Heart of Wisdom

A Heart of Wisdom

Today, I am deeply grateful for those of you who have supported the Dial Hope Foundation with a financial donation. So many people benefit from your giving!

Many years ago, I heard a part of Billy Graham’s 1998 TED talk. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and it refers to conferences that host inspiring speakers in these fields from all over the world. In any case, Billy Graham spoke about questions he often received from University students – questions about life and death and morality and faith. He related that one student asked him, “What has been your biggest surprise in life?” He answered, “My biggest surprise in life: is its brevity.”

It is true that when we’re young we seem immortal and invincible. It feels as though life will continue on indefinitely. But as we mature and age, we quickly realize how fleeting it is. The Psalmist reminds us that our days are like a breath (Psalm 39 and 144).

When we remember that we are here for only a short time, it raises both the questions of eternity and of what we are leaving behind. Have we made contributions toward making this world a better place? Will the people around us know our love for them? Have we accepted God’s grace and love for us? And is that making a difference in how we live?

Psalm 90 prays: Teach us to count our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

My friend Roger Kunkel used to say, “Today is an unrepeatable miracle.” There will never be another one like it! “Let’s make it a masterpiece.”

Let us pray: Loving and Gracious God, we thank you for the gift of life and for your unconditional love for us. Help us to accept both gifts and then live in light of both. Amen.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday. For many Christians, it is a day when we go to worship. We receive ashes on the forehead as a sign of our mortality and as a reminder of God’s grace. We remember that God created us from the dust, that God lovingly provides for us here and now, and that one day God will raise us again from the ashes. 

Today also begins the 40-day journey of Lent – which leads us to the celebration of Easter Sunday. Over the years, Christians have set this time aside to develop and deepen their walk of faith. Some people fast from certain foods, technologies, or even from negative thinking. Others, actually add something – maybe an extra time of daily prayer, study, or worship.

It is my prayer that this season would be a time of renewal in your life and faith. May you join others who set this time aside to intentionally grow in their faith. And, may you re-commit to making the very most of the life God has given you – living in the healthiest, most loving way possible. 

Let us pray: Be with us, Lord, as we travel these next 40 days. Grant us space and time and habits to draw closer to you. Help us to reflect on those things that keep us from truly living, and from truly experiencing your presence and grace. We remember today that life is short, it is a gift, and ultimately we depend on you. Meet us during this season as we seek to take hold of the life that is truly life. Amen.

Joy in Serving Others

Joy in Serving Others

Many years ago now, there was an article front page of the Florida Times Union, about a woman Barbara Gilbert. At that time she was a single mom, a part-time college student, and a waitress. She was working two part-time jobs just to pay rent. 

Somehow, Barbara came to hear about folks in Jamaica who have almost nothing, people who were living in shacks. She also learned that for about $2,000 you could build a pretty decent 12’ by 12’ home down there. And for another $500, you could furnish it. So she decided she was going to do it. Her kids, of course, thought their mom was crazy. They told her, “You’re poor yourself.” But she did it. She saved $200 a month until she had the money. She then gave somebody else, somebody she had never even met, the gift of a home. 

Her story is inspiring! 

So often I get caught up in my own problems and issues that I can’t even begin to think about others who have so much less. I so often forget that in moving beyond myself, and in reaching out to help others, there is great joy, healing, and redemption. I believe that’s what Jesus meant when he said, “Those who want to find their lives must lose them.”

Let us pray: God of mercy, we don’t have to look far to see a tremendous need in the world around us. And, we don’t have to look far to see how much we have to give. You have blessed us richly. We thank you for Barbara and others who inspire us by their actions. May their deep joy in giving bring you glory and praise. And may their examples stir our souls and move us to serve. Amen.

In the Surrender

In the Surrender

During a Wednesday evening class a while back, someone shared about how his daughter had been in a car crash and spent time in a coma. Of course, the worry and anxiety were all-consuming. I can only imagine. He said they were not sleeping and at the hospital all the time; just praying and praying. One night driving home completely exhausted, he just said, : God it’s yours. It’s in your hands… I can’t do this anymore.” And in that prayer, in that surrender, there was peace…

Many of us have had those moments in life when we’ve had nowhere else to turn, those moments when we’ve realized the limits of our control, whether it was worry about a loved one, or finances, or a job, or a child; or our health. Most of us have experienced those moments when we’ve had to say, “OK God, this is in your hands. I don’t know how it’s going to turn out. I don’t know how I’m going to get through this, but I have to trust that you are with me… I have trust that you will make a way… 

I remember a number of years ago now when my friend Charlie Landreth talked about his grandmother Celia. He said he could remember sitting on her lap in her rocking chair – her arms would be extended around him. She would read to him sometimes from the Bible – sometimes from a book. “Trust the Lord with all your heart”, she would say.

Charley said, “It’s been almost a whole lifetime since that early instruction and I am still learning to trust the Lord. You see, I’m a slow learner.  

Aren’t we all, Charlie? Aren’t we all? 

For thousands of years, people of faith have handed on their witness: There is a greater power at work. There is One whom we can trust in life and in death. There is a path. There is one who is at work even now to heal and redeem and to make all things new.

Let us pray: Help us, O God, to trust you. Even now, we surrender to you those burdens and concerns that weigh heavy on our hearts. Grant us your peace, we pray. Amen.

No Expectation of a Return

No Expectation of a Return

“God so loved the world that he gave…” begins the most familiar statement in Scripture. Giving is how love expresses itself. Giving is to love what eating is to hunger. The test of love is that it gives even when there is no expectation of a return. Ann Lamott wrote of an eight-year-old boy who had a younger sister dying of leukemia. He was told that without a blood transfusion she would die. His parents asked if they could test his blood to see if it was compatible with his sister. He said sure. They tested, and it was a match. 

Then they asked if he would give his sister a pint of his own blood, that it could be her only chance of living. He said he would have to think about it overnight. The next day he told his parents he was willing to donate the blood. They took him to the hospital; he was put on a gurney beside his six-year-old sister. Both were hooked up to IVs. A nurse took a pint of blood from the boy, which was given to his sister. The boy lay in silence as the blood that would save his sister dripped from the IV until the doctor came over to see how he was doing. Then the boy opened his eyes and asked, “How soon until I start to die?” Love is never so fully love as when it gives — even when there is no expectation of a return. 

Let us pray: Loving How Great Thou Art! Your love to us in Jesus Christ is beyond our wildest imagination. Thank you for the rainbow covenant of your unconditional love and for walking with us each step of life’s way. Now hear our myopia, our hesitation, our pride that we may learn to love with no expectation of return… like the little boy who thought he was going to die when he gave a pint of blood to his sister. May the gentle breath of your spirit renew every part of our being that we may become more like Jesus, in whose spirit we pray. Amen.

This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass

Today’s Message was written by my friend Rev. Andy Odom.

One of the things that is true about life is that life is always changing. If it’s not changing, then it’s not alive. For some people, this is one of the exciting aspects of life, the fact that life is always changing. For others, well… not so much. After all, if life is always changing, it means that there are very few things you can count on to remain the same. No matter how much you think so, you never quite know what the day might bring.

There’s an old phrase that I keep in my pocket, which most of you have probably already heard. It’s the phrase that says, “This too shall pass.” It helps me remember that if I’m going through a difficult time, it won’t last forever. It also helps me remember that, when things are going well, that too doesn’t always last. Life is full of change. Ups and downs, twists and turns.

I think of all the ordeals that the disciples went through during their ministry with Jesus. The hardships they faced. The celebrations they had. The glorious days along with the days when they felt completely defeated. What Jesus tried to teach them throughout it all, was to remain faithful, trusting in the constancy of God.

And that’s my word to you today. No matter where you are in life, whether you’ve just experienced something really great or are going through a very difficult time. Learn from the experiences you encounter. Remain true to yourself. Stay faithful to who you are. And trust in the constancy of God, the one who in Jesus Christ, remains steadfast in his love for us, something that will never change.

Please pray with me: God of hope, throughout all the changes in life, you are faithful. Thank you. Help us ever to trust in you. Amen. 

What Gives You Life?

What Gives You Life?

Today’s Message was written by my friend Rev. Andy Odom.

These days, I feel like anyone who stands up in front of a crowd to give a speech could start off by simply saying, “I’m tired. Are you tired?” and everyone in the crowd would nod and look around and agree that they too are tired. The more I talk to people these days, the more I sense a collective weariness and the feeling of being overwhelmed.

We are busy people. And busy people have always been busy people. That much is true. But it certainly seems to have a heavier weight these days. We turn on the news and it’s one disaster after another, or some looming possible disaster on the horizon. We observe or are part of political discussions that are still just as divided as ever. Our own personal schedules seem to be filling up our day more often than they should. I myself have more on my plate than will be able to get done, and those of you that I speak to say the same thing. At least, it feels that way.

All of this leads me to ask you one simple question. What gives you life? What is one small thing you do that is life-giving rather than life-draining? If all you do every day are things that literally suck the life right out of you, then you’re not going to have much left for yourself or anything else. Take 5 minutes, to answer that one question, “What fills my tank? What gives me life?” And then, find a way to do more of it.

Take more walks, or just go outside for 5 minutes. Call someone that you love. Talk to someone who gives you life. Don’t forget to do the things that restore your soul and that remind you that you are precious in the eyes of God.

Figure out one thing that is life-giving for you, and then don’t forget to do it, and do it often.

Let us pray: God of Grace, help us to find our rest in you. Center us. Ground us. And grant us your peace. Amen.