James Moore once shared a story about something Robert Raines saw early one morning on a drive through the mountains. The colors of fall were illuminated by the early morning sun. The views over the valleys were breathtaking. And then, Raines passed by one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. Right at the edge of a mountain peak overlooking the golden valley below, a young man in his early twenties stood playing his trumpet. With all of his soul, he was belting out the doxology!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly host
Praise, Father, Son and Holy Ghost!
Moore wrote, “The point is clear: With all the stresses and problems in this life, still the truth is:
– We have so many doxologies to sing,
– So much to be grateful for,
– So many blessings to count.
The point is that life is more than a grueling endurance test. Life is more than a survival game. Life is more than a coping competition. So, you see… it’s not enough to just escape the stress. It’s not enough to just endure the stress…”
I pray today that God would give us eyes to see the beauty and good that surrounds us on every side. And even in the midst of life’s challenges, may we ever find ways to sing praise.
Let us pray: God of Hope, though we may not stand on the mountaintop, grant us the ability to recognize the blessings in our life here and now. Amen.