Son of Encouragement
One night at the legendary jazz bar, Birdland, Cab Calloway was introducing a promising young saxophone player. As the sax player finished his set, a self-appointed jazz critic came over to him and said, in front of Cab, “You aren’t that good, man. All you can do is play like Charlie Parker.” Cab took the young man’s saxophone and handed it over to the critic. “Here,” he said, “you play it like Charlie Parker.”
Sometimes it is just like that, isn’t it? There will always be someone who is quick to criticize, quick to tear something or someone down.
On the other hand, there was an early disciple whom we read about in the book of Acts who was nicknamed “Barnabas.” Barnabas means “son of encouragement.” I love that. Son of encouragement! He sounds like someone we would want to spend time with.
In life, it is easy to criticize. It is easy to find and point out what is wrong. And I know that I can so easily fall into that habit. But, I would rather be like Barnabas. I would much rather be the kind of person who finds and points out what is good, and what is beautiful. I think we all would.
May you and I ever be looking for ways to lift people up, encouraging them in their faith, encouraging them in using their gifts, and letting them know they are appreciated and loved.
May you and I find ways to be a “Barnabas” to others – even today.
Let us pray: Generous God, we thank you today for people in our lives who have made a difference for us. We also thank you for family, for good friends, for men and women who serve others, for all those who serve your church, and for those who care for the heartbroken and hurting. Help us find a way, today, to encourage and build them up. May the very words we speak, or write, be instruments of your grace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.