Gone Fishing
In the Gospel of Mark, as Jesus is just beginning his ministry, we find him walking along the shore of the sea of Galilee. He comes across some fishermen, everyday kind of people, and he says to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.” Crazy as it sounds, these men, James and John, Simon Peter and Andrew, drop everything and they follow him.
Now I love fishing, but on the surface, this whole idea of fishing for people sounds kind of scary, at best. Does Jesus want us to trick people, trap or net or hook people, try to get them in our little boat, and make them think like us? Actually, no.
It’s interesting when you look at the Hebrew scriptures, our Old Testament, a lot of the images of hooks and nets and fishing are images of judgment. People are trapped and caught in their own way of bad living. However, Jesus turns this around. People caught in his fishing activity are actually loved and not judged – they are healed and saved and not destroyed.
Jesus calls us to fish for people: to love people, to show mercy to people, to help heal them and forgive them. When we answer his call, we help spread a wider net of God’s love. May you find a way to answer his call and fish for people Jesus’s way, today.
Let us pray: Gracious God, Your calling on our life is deep. We know that in following you, we find life in abundance. Help us today to answer your call once again. Help us to intentionally show your love, your forgiveness, your mercy, and grace. May we be instruments of your saving love. As you work through us, may you also work in us. We ask in Jesus Christ. Amen.