Take Courage. It is I. Do not Be Afraid
Yesterday we reflected on the passage of scripture from the Gospel of Matthew 14:22-33, where Jesus comes to the disciples on the Sea of Galilee in the midst of a storm. I mentioned yesterday that when I was studying this passage, I was struck by something the biblical scholar Dale Bruner suggested. He picks up on Jesus’ words to the disciples, “Take Courage. It is I. Do not be afraid.”
The middle phrase, It is I, in the Greek language in which Matthew originally wrote, reads simply, “I am.” This calls to mind the words God speaks to Moses out of the burning bush, when Moses asks God’s name, God replies, “I am.” … I am the One who called the sea and the stars and life itself into being.. I am the One who calms the storms. I am the One who created you… and cares for you. I am… It is I.
Bruner says that these phrases – all three of them: Take courage. It is I. Do not be afraid, “are worthy of inscription in churches, in homes and on hearts…” And I wondered, what if I could make these words a meditation – a mantra of sorts… Perhaps it could be a kind of refrain when the storms mount or worry and anxiety creep in…
You could simply close your eyes for a moment. Then silently repeat these words silently to yourself. As you do, hear Jesus speaking to you. As you breathe in, hear the words, “Take courage…” As you breathe in again, hear the words, “It is I.” And as you breathe in for a third time, hear the words, “Do not be afraid.”
The next time you find yourself anxious, worried, or afraid, the next time you feel battered by the storms of life, I invite you to try this mediation. And may the One who stills the storm, still also your heart.
Let us pray: Meet us, Lord Jesus, amid the storms of life. Ground us in your peace, and fill us anew with your healing grace. Amen.