I remember several years ago, I was leading a Sunday morning class in which we talked about family traditions at Christmas time. Of course, some traditions can feel soul-killing. But no doubt, other traditions add greater meaning and depth to the season.
One of the families talked about having an Advent wreath on their dining room table with four candles on the edges and a Christ candle in the center. Each week on Sunday night before dinner, they would light the appropriate candle or candles. On the first week, after lighting the candle, they would go around the table and ask each person to answer the question: what brings you hope? On the second Sunday, they would light the peace candle and ask: what brings you peace? And so on…. Another single man spoke of the importance of volunteering at least once during Advent to help folks in need in his community. Others spoke of intentionally adding a time of prayer each morning or evening. Someone recently told me that in December, she spends just a few minutes each morning, reflecting on the Christmas story in the Gospel of Luke.
This Advent season, I wonder what traditions you might consider in your preparations…
Let us pray: God of hope, peace, joy, and love, we give you thanks for the coming of Christ. Meet us in these coming weeks as we prepare our hearts once again for him. Amen.