Christ Is Near
Today’s message was written by my friend Rev. Roger Kunkel, Founder of Dial Hope.
Friend of Dial Hope, Christ comes to us in a special way we are ready. After Jesus was crucified, Cleopas and Simon were hurting as they plodded down the Emmaus road. And then, suddenly, Christ was there with them to give them strength and meet their needs. He opened the scriptures to them. He broke bread with them, and as they experienced the resurrected Christ, they too got resurrected.
The truth is that Christ is never nearer to us than when we are hurting. I think I know two reasons why. First, I think it’s because we are more open to the presence of God we are down and out. And second, I believe that God is like a loving parent who wants to be especially close to his children and they are in pain. Parents know what I’m talking about. So, wherever you are on your spiritual journey, know this: hope is still alive. Christ is risen! Christ is alive!
Let us pray: God of the cross and the empty tomb, we come to you in humility. You are the God of hope who has declared your love for the poor, broken, diseased, and hungry of the world. You are the God who loves us even when we are unlovable. Help us to be channels of grace to all the peoples of the globe. Amplify the voices of those who are kind and gentle. And silence the voices of those who are contentious. Let love break out like an epidemic. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen