A Sermon to Live By
I know I’ve shared this with you all in the past, but it near to my heart. I still have my grandfather’s Bible. At least I have the one he had on the day he passed away back in early March 1996. That morning it lay open to the book of Micah, chapter 6 and verses 6-8 were underlined:
He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and walk humbly with your God?
Next to his underline, he penned the words, “Live by this…”
My Grandfather served as a minister his entire adult life, even well on into retirement. Though my grandmother, would be the first to tell you he was far from perfect, his life really did reflect the imperative of this verse.
His deep compassion for others, and humility before God, often led him to take actions that would leave the world around him a little better than he found it.
At first, I thought the note in his Bible was simply a reminder to himself; but I know now it was a final sermon to his family. And today it is a sermon for you.
Three simple – but profound imperatives: Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with the Lord your God.
Let us pray: Loving God, we want to live in a world that is kind and not arrogant; where compassion and love flow freely; and where all your children across the globe are able to live a dignified life. Grant us your grace that we might work with you in this endeavor.
We lift up to you today, those who are carrying heavy, heavy burdens; those who have lost loved ones, those who lonely, and those who are searching for answers. Rest your loving Spirit upon them, and upon us, even now. Amen.