Even Ten Minutes
Sometime back I heard a story about a Buddhist monk who was visiting New York. He was told by his Western host that they could save ten minutes by making a transfer in the subway at Grand Central Station. When they came up from the subway in Central Park, the monk sat down on a bench. His host, who was in a hurry, wanted to know what he was doing. “Why are you just sitting there?” ”I thought we should enjoy the ten minutes,” the monk replied.
In a fast-paced hectic world, how often do we stop to sit on a park bench and just be for ten minutes? Even if we have the time, do we intentionally stop and enjoy our surroundings? It really is not a long time, but it is long enough to gather our thoughts and remember the many gifts God has placed all around us.
At one of the busiest times in their ministry, Jesus instructs the disciples, “Come away to a deserted place and rest awhile…” (Mark 6:31)
Let us pray: Gracious God, we thank you for the gift of this day – and indeed for the gift of life itself. Remind us to occasionally stop and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. I ask you today to remove any worry or anxiety we may be feeling. Fill us instead with hope. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.