Entries by Roger Kunkel

Aisle, Altar, Him

Today’s message was written by the founder of Dial Hope, the Rev. Roger Kunkel Have you heard the story about the bride who was extremely nervous on her wedding day? She confided to the minister that she was not sure she could make it down the long aisle without shaking or crying. So the minister, […]

Christian Gumption

Today’s message was written by the founder of Dial Hope, the Rev. Roger Kunkel One of my favorite movies is “Forest Gump” which came to the theaters over 10 years ago. It literally took America by storm! Do you remember these Forest Gump sayings: “Stupid is as stupid does,” and “Life is like a box […]

Forgiveness Button

Today’s message was written by the founder of Dial Hope, the Rev. Roger Kunkel Friend of Dial Hope, I have a small calculator on my desk which I use to figure out my finances and store personal data for ready reference. It’s amazing how much information can be typed into the memory factors of this […]


Today’s message was written by my friend, Rev. Roger Kunkel, founder of Dial Hope. “in the beginning was the Word” (John 1:1). Everything – understanding, friendship, communication with other people and with God – it all begins with a word. We do not live by bread alone. We live by words. And yet the truth […]

Gratitude Needs to Be an Attitude

Today’s message was written by the founder of Dial Hope, the Rev. Roger Kunkel One of my favorite subjects is gratitude. Henry David Thoreau wrote, “I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual.” Friends of Dial Hope, most of us specialize in periodic outbursts of gratitude. Rather than a continuous […]

Stop the World

Today’s message was written by my friend Rev. Roger Kunkel, founder of Dial Hope. In the Broadway musical, “STOP THE WORLD, I WANT TO GET OFF,” actor Anthony Newley sang a powerful song: “Once in a Lifetime.” It contains these poignant words: “This is my moment… I’m gonna do great things.”  Sadly, we must confess […]


Today’s message was written by the founder of Dial Hope, the Rev. Roger Kunkel Most of us are allergic to detours. Others are waiting for us, and we’re exactly on time… then the “Detour” sign appears. It may be that a bridge is being repaired or the road is being rebuilt. The fact remains that […]

Enter the River of Faith

Today’s message was written by Dial Hope founder, the Rev. Dr. Roger Kunkel. What are the three most difficult tasks in life to perform? When asked this question, the late Winston Churchill answered as follows: To climb a high wall which is leaning toward you. To kiss a girl who is leaning away from you. […]

He’s Never Failed Me!

Today’s message was written by my friend Rev. Roger Kunkel, founder of Dial Hope. In Chicago, a man was about to cross a busy street when a lovely young girl walked up, led by a seeing-eye dog. He realized that she was blind. The lights changed, and the people started crossing. He was about to […]

When We Are Knocked Down

Today’s message was written by my friend Rev. Roger Kunkel, founder of Dial Hope. Years ago, on one of the Monday night football telecasts, the sportscasters were discussing the great running backs of professional football history. When they came to the late Walter Payton of the Chicago Bears, they pointed out that he was the […]