Entries by Roger Kunkel

What God is Like

Today’s message was written by Roger Kunkel, founder of Dial Hope. Friend of Dial Hope, Christmas clears up our confusion about God. Christmas shows us what God is like. A seven-year-old boy had been playing outside. His mother called him in for dinner. The little boy ran in, jumped into his chair, and grabbed his […]

Love Heals

Today’s message was written by Rev. Dr. Roger Kunkel, founder of Dial Hope. Scientific research is now confirming what many of us have suspected all along – that love plays a big part in the healing of a hurting body. The poet Elizabeth Barrett was an invalid for many years, unable to lift her head […]

Count Our Blessings

Today’s message was written by Rev. Dr. Roger Kunkel, founder of Dial Hope. One of my favorite Peanuts comic strips is one that was printed some years ago, just a few days before Thanksgiving. Lucy is feeling sorry for herself, and she laments, “My life is a drag. I’m completely fed up. I’ve never felt so low […]

Even for the Thorns

Today’s message was written by my friend Roger Kunkel. Friend of Dial Hope, my only regret in writing and recording the messages is that I don’t get to look you in the eye and remind you that God loves you. God has blessed you so you may be a blessing to others. On this coming […]

The Ripple Effect

Today’s message was written by Rev. Dr. Roger Kunkel, founder of Dial Hope. A small dog had been struck by a car and was lying wounded by the side of the road. A doctor driving by noticed that the dog was still alive, stopped his car, picked up the dog, and took him home. There […]

The Bug Disease

Today’s message was written by Rev. Dr. Roger Kunkel, founder of Dial Hope. I want to begin this meditation with a passage from the New Testament, 1 Peter 1:22: “Now that you have purified your souls by your obedience to the truth so that you have genuine mutual love, love one another deeply from the […]

Love that Will Not Let Us Go

Today’s message was written by my friend Roger Kunkel. I love the month of November. It is the month of Thanksgiving. It is a month filled with unlimited possibilities. When is the last time your possibilities gave you goose pimples? Today I want you to focus on this verse from 1 Corinthians 13:8, “Love never […]

What I Gave I Have

Today’s message was written by Rev. Dr. Roger Kunkel, founder of Dial Hope. Listen to this profound epitaph found on an English gravestone: “What I kept, I lost. What I spent, I had. What I gave, I have.”  Friend of Dial Hope, as you well know, the art of keeping isn’t all bad. There will […]

Letter of Thanks

Today’s message was written by Rev. Dr. Roger Kunkel, founder of Dial Hope. Today I want to suggest an exciting idea – I want you to try giving yourself away.  I once knew a man who suffered a nervous breakdown, during which he sat for months in gloom and mental darkness. One day I suggested […]

A Key Called Promise

Today’s message was written by my friend, Rev. Roger Kunkel, founder of Dial Hope. In the classical book, Pilgrim’s Progress, an allegory by John Bunyan, the author tells the story of Christian and Hopeful in their encounter with Giant Despair. The two pilgrims had trespassed on the giant’s property and were thrown into Doubting Castle. […]