Entries by Joe Albright

Every Common Bush

Psalm 8 offers this prayer, “O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth.” In Hebrew, a person’s name – was not just a word – but also a representation of their character, essence, presence. O Lord, how majestic is your presence – your essence – your power in all the […]


I remember reading that when poet Elizabeth Barrett-Browning was first married, her father disapproved so strongly that she had to elope. In fact, the couple moved to Italy where they lived out the rest of their lives. Even though her parents had disowned her, Elizabeth never gave up on the relationship. Almost weekly she wrote […]

Don’t Miss What’s Most Important

Well known architect Frank Lloyd Wright once told a story about when he was a boy of about 9 years old. It was a cold winter morning, and he and his uncle who was a no-nonsense serious man went walking across a snow-covered field. When they reached the gate at the far end of the […]

Small Seeds

Jesus often taught using parables, and in his parables, he teaches us that God’s kingdom is like the slow growth of a mustard plant. It is like a seed that someone planted in the ground and it sprouts on its own. It begins small, inconspicuous and almost unnoticeable – but also unstoppable! Sometime back, at […]

Change of Heart

A word of thanks is extended to all who so graciously support the Dial Hope ministry. Hope happens because of you. The beautiful hymn, Praise to the Lord, The Almighty, was written by Joachim Neander in 1680. I’ve read that early on in life, Neander was a typical preacher’s child, rebellious and a little irreverent. […]

Sacrificial Giving

Many years ago now, my daughter Emily got into making small clay animals. They were really cool – and she was able to sell them for a dollar apiece to friends, family, and neighbors. Over the course of about a year, she accumulated a hundred dollars – including some money she got at Christmas time. […]

People Who Make a Difference

There is a legend about a king who decided to set aside a special day to honor his greatest subject. Four people, each in turn, were presented to the king for consideration. First was a wealthy philanthropist. The king was told that this man was highly deserving of the honor because he had given much […]

Time and Patience

Some of the best things in life take time to cultivate. My dad makes these ribs – not just any old ribs. These are Buck seasoning dry rub – baby back ribs. He has a very elaborate process. You can’t just get the ribs from the store on your way home from work and throw […]

Those You Love Deeply

In his book, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, Steven Covey writes about how we can lose sight of our main goals in life. He conveys very pertinently how that can play out in our family life. Covey wrote, “I value my children. I love them, I want to help them. I value my […]

Blessed for Others

Pastor Richard Fairchild once told about a story about an artist. This artist was seeking to somehow convey the meaning of the Christian faith amid the storms of life, so he painted a storm at sea. Black clouds filled the sky. Illuminated by a flash of lightning, a little boat could be seen breaking apart […]