Entries by Joe Albright

Life Is a Gift

Today, I am deeply grateful for those of you who have supported the Dial Hope Foundation with a financial donation. Hope reaches others because of you. Thank you! In an old PEANUTS comic strip, Lucy is set up in her psychiatric booth, and Charlie Brown comes to share his problems with her. “Sometimes I ask […]

Listen, So That You May Live

A few days ago, we reflected on the passage in the book of 1 Samuel, where the boy Samuel is training under an elderly priest named Eli. One night, God calls to him, but Samuel doesn’t know what he’s hearing. He goes in to wake up Eli. And once Eli clues in on what’s happening, […]

Your Servant Is Listening

Over the past two days, we’ve been reflecting on listening, and we continue that theme today. I remember years ago, one night at dinner, just completely out of the blue, my middle daughter Emily, who was about 3 at the time, reached over and slapped her older sister upside the head. Her sister started to […]

What Is God Saying to Me?

Over the past two days, we’ve been reflecting on listening, and we continue that theme today. Several years ago, I taught a class on Marjorie Thompson’s book, “Soul Feast.” In the book, she makes the point that even though God sometimes speaks directly to people like Samuel, God most often speaks to us without words.  […]

Speak Lord…

Yesterday we reflected on listening for the still small voice of God.  It is interesting to me, how so often in the scriptures, when God calls a person, he calls the name twice: Abraham, Abraham. Moses, Moses, Saul, Saul. Samuel, Samuel… It’s like when my girls were little – trying to get my attention: Dad! […]

The Still Small Voice

Philip Yancey tells the story of a friend of his who went swimming in a large lake at dusk.  He was swimming at a leisurely pace, and a freak evening fog rolled in across the water. Suddenly he could see nothing: no horizon, no landmarks, no objects or lights on shore. The way the fog […]

Dar Vida

Un sábado, hace varios años, llevé a mis hijas Emily y Noelle y a su amiga Katie para ayudar con un ministerio local. Este ministerio tiene un enfoque a padres que tienen hijos autistas o en sillas de ruedas o ambos. Cada tercer sábado del mes, los voluntarios intentan enseñar a dichos niños a surfear. […]

Finding Our Way Home

In her book, Traveling Mercies, Anne Lamott shares a story from her pastor about a time when her best friend got lost as a little girl. “The little girl ran up and down the streets of the big town where they lived, but she couldn’t find a single landmark. She was very frightened. Finally, a […]

Love and you are a Success!

John 3:16 reminds us, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…”  One of the great Christian thinkers, William Sloane Coffin, reminded us that while Abraham lived to be a ripe old age, Jesus died young. “But didn’t both show us that it is by its content rather than by its […]

Let the Children Come Unto Me…

For many years, Tony Campolo spent much of his time traveling around the world as an inspirational Christian speaker. His wife, Peggy, on the other hand, chose to be a stay-at-home mom. Occasionally, when Peggy traveled with her husband, she would find herself engaged in conversations with some pretty impressive and influential people. After one […]