What Are You Looking For?

What Are You Looking For?

Over the past couple of days, we reflected on a passage of scripture from the book of Isaiah (55:1-3): Ho, everyone who thirsts; come to the waters… 

Some scholars have pointed out that these verses sound a little like a vendor in a market, hawking her wares, trying to the attention of those passing by: Ho… Hey you… Are you thirsty? It almost sounds like a marketing pitch that builds in intensity: water, bread, wine, and milk are all available, an abundance of provisions!

What are you looking for? 

Now I have to imagine, the people who first heard these words, were not too unlike us. I have to imagine that many of them, were indeed longing for something more… And sometimes that “more” would be hard to pin down. I imagine that like us, some of them may have thought… well, if I just had x, then I would be satisfied. Or, I’ll be happy, or I’ll feel at peace when… when I graduate from high school… When I get that promotion at work… when I get that new house… When I retire… 

And there is no doubt, this is part of how we are created. We are created with an innate longing, drive, a desire. And in many ways, it has served us well. But, taken to the extreme, it can lead to profound emptiness. 

And at first glance this scripture from Isaiah, it almost sounds like another marketer vying for our attention: “Hey you!… Are you thirsty? I have what you need!” But then, very quickly, there is a shift in the text and a pointed question is raised. This is God speaking to us: Why do you spend your money on that which is not bread, and your labor on that which does not satisfy?

We might reframe the question: What do you think it is that will truly satisfy you? 

I think deep down if we were to really reflect on what we want, what we value, it would not be money. It would not be things. It would not be the next promotion at work. I imagine for most of us it would be a sense of peace, meaning, a sense of knowing that as flawed as we are, we are loved and accepted. It would be opportunities to show love, to make a difference for others. 

“Listen carefully to me,” God says. “Incline your ear and come to me…” All that you’ve been looking for, all that you’ve been longing for, it’s already here. It is right before you. All you have to do is notice and receive.

Let us pray: We turn to you even now, O God. Fill us with your healing grace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Message Author: Joe Albright

Joe began his ministry in Sarasota, Florida as an associate pastor, and it was in this capacity that he worked alongside the Reverend Dr. Roger Kunkel. Roger was a colleague who became a mentor and treasured friend. From Sarasota, Joe was called to Jacksonville, Florida where he served as the Head of Staff at Hodges Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Currently, Joe and his family worship and serve at Geneva Presbyterian Church in Switzerland, Florida. Full Bio
