God in the Interruptions

God in the Interruptions

While writing about her busy life, Barbara Jurgensen, expressed her growing conviction that all of her daily tasks were keeping her from living the kind of Christian life she really wanted to live. And so one night, she asked God to help her live a really Christian life starting the next day.

Well that next morning, before she even got out of bed, her next-door neighbor phoned, saying she had a terrible toothache. The dentist could see her right away, but her little boy was in bed sick. Barbara got up, got dressed, and walked next door. She proceed to make the child his breakfast and tends to his basic needs while mom was away. That filled the morning.

After lunch, a friend who was struggling with depression and who had been going through a very difficult time stopped by asking for help with a project. She had a couple of dresses she wanted to shorten. The two women worked together for most of the afternoon.

Near supper time her husband came in announcing that he’d invited two new acquaintances to dine with them, a married couple. The man was having trouble finding work because of a prison record. “I hope it’s okay with you that I invited them,” her husband said. Barbara agreed.

By bedtime, Barbara wondered at her busy day… so full of activity, how would there ever be time for God? Of course, as she lay there reflecting, it dawned on her that God had been there, in all of those interruptions. Each one had been an opportunity to exercise her faith.

The kind of life God calls us to is not a cloistered life, but a life lived in the real world. It is often busy and messy and interruptions abound. But God is in the midst of all of that. And, there are opportunities at every moment to put our faith into action, to serve, and to love.

Our prayer today was written by my friend Roger Kunkel, founder of the Dial Hope Foundation. Let us pray: God of love, touch our lives with your Spirit and transform them, making them joyous and loving. Inform our minds with your guidance, that we are led each step of the way to your plan for us. Shape us and form us, until we are truly and wholly yours. We pray in Christ’s name. Amen.

Daily Message Author: Joe Albright

Joe began his ministry in Sarasota, Florida as an associate pastor, and it was in this capacity that he worked alongside the Reverend Dr. Roger Kunkel. Roger was a colleague who became a mentor and treasured friend. From Sarasota, Joe was called to Jacksonville, Florida where he served as the Head of Staff at Hodges Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Currently, Joe and his family worship and serve at Geneva Presbyterian Church in Switzerland, Florida. Full Bio
