Amazing Grace

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The “new creation” that we become in baptism is not a static form of salvation. It is a manifestation of God’s grace – a living, evolving thing – that should be reflected in our lives as our thank you to God for blessing us with it. Salvation calls us to constant growth as Christians by living out the Gospel message, that we may help bring about God’s kingdom here on earth, which is our charge.

In the words of theologian Marcus Borg, “the Christian life is about a relationship with God that transforms us into more compassionate beings. The God of love and justice is the God of relationship and transformation.” For if we believe that the gift of grace is only about going to heaven, Jesus died for nothing. The gift of grace is about our relationship with God in this life and manifesting in this life all that God stands for in the example of his son. The gift of grace is that of always having access to God even when we fall short of the mark through error and sin, and of being forgiven. As that glorious, timeless hymn puts it:

“Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come. ‘Tis grace has brought me safe thus far – And grace will lead me home.”

Let us pray: Lord, by whom we are guided in judgement, grant us in all our doubts, uncertainties, and imperfections the grace to ask what you would have us do and the grace to carry it out, so that all we do may begin, continue, and end in you. Then, when our work for you on earth is done, grant us a holy rest and peace at last. Amen.

Daily Message Author: Bob Griffiths

Bob is the former Chaplain at the Pines of Sarasota, southwest Florida’s oldest and largest not-for-profit senior care facility. Prior to joining the staff in 2010, Bob worked in hospice chaplaincy for seven years. He is the past Spiritual Life Director at St. Boniface Episcopal Church, Sarasota and is an Associate of the Order of the Holy Cross, an Episcopal Benedictine religious order.
